Danny the Champion of the World

A straight forward quiz on Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.
What W is the name of Danny's father?. What P is the bird Danny's father wants to catch?. What S is the name of the doctor?. What M is Danny's father's job?. What T is type of fish Doc Spencer catches?. What H is the name of a poaching method?. What B is Victor Hazell's job?. What L is the Captain's surname?. What A describes Danny's feelings when his father goes missing?. What R is the name of one of the Keepers?. What S is Danny's poaching method?. What M is a word used by Danny to describe his dad?. What C is the punishment Danny got for talking?. What B is the name of Danny's favourite story?. What P is what Danny's father fell into?. What V is Mr Hazell's first name?. What F is how many hours late Danny's dad was?. What N is Danny's age?. What M does Danny not have?. What D is the time of day Danny and his Father go to the wood?.
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