Education Terms 1

Education and social policies
What F is learning which takes place in an institution?. What I is learning outside of formal institutions but is also part of everyday life?. What M is the Education Act which made state education compulsory?. What B is the Education Act which introduced the tripartite system?. What Y was introduced during the 1970s to overcome youth unemployment?. What C is the education system introduced in the early 1970s?. What C is the local area that pupils are drawn from?. What L are published annually and show achievements in schools?. What B is the Reform Act introduced in 1988?. What G was the secondary school for academic pupils, introduced in 1944?. What I was tested in the 11+?. What M criticised YTS as exploiting youth?. What C was introduced in the year 2000?. What S is an initiative or law introduced by the government?. What I describes the private sector of education?. What S was one criticism of the 11+?. What S was the school which was negatively labelled in the tripartite system?. What M is when schools try to sell themselves?. What S describes a school that chooses its pupils?. What M means compulsory?.
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