
Conformity - Concepts, Research and researchers for AS Psychology.
What C is the shallowist type of conformity?. What I is permanently changing your views and beliefs both publically and privately. What A is teh name of the researcher who conducted the line length study?. What S is the researcher who conducted the autokinetic effect study?. What A is the process used in the Sherif study?. What I is described as the need to be right?. What N is described as the need to be liked?. What C is the researcher who conduted an Asch type study using separate booths?. What P & S are the researchers who refute the Asch study?. What does SIT stand for?. What L is the researcher who developed Social impact theory?. What C is defined as yeilding to group pressure?. What I is changing your views and beliefs both publically and privately on a temporary basis?. What A is when a task has no obvious answer?. What U is when a task has an obvoius answer?. What E is a set of moral guidlines all researchers should follow?. What S describes how powerful the influence is?. What I is being near to someone either in time or space?. What N describes how many people are in the group?. What E is the type of validity th e Asch study lacks?.
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