C3: Food matters

C3: Food matters quiz aimed at foundation students - good for recapping key words and terms
What F describes the distance your food travels from field to plate?. What H is the process of gathering mature crops from the fields?. What P's are used to protect crops from pests?. What F's are used to replace nutrients in the soil?. What I describes farming that uses fertilisers and pesticides and is about high yield?. What O describes farming that does not use artificial fertilisers or pesticides?. What P's keep food on the shelf for longer?. What E's describe any substance added to your food that has passed a safety test in the EU?. What S is a natural polymer that is in bread, rice and pasta?. What D is the process that breaks down your food?. What P's are needed for growth and repair?. What E is the process that removes waste from your body?. What A describes a reaction to a food?. What D is caused when your body does not respond to insulin or produces too little?. What O is a risk factor of developing diabetes?. What F describes farm produce that has been allowed to roam free?. What R describes a variable that increases your chances of developing a disease?. What C's are added to your food to make it look attractive?. What N is a gas that is recycled in the environment?. What C's from food are needed for energy?.
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