Evolution and Natural Selection

This is a plenary for ideas of evolution and natural selection for KS4 biology. suitable for most science syllabuses including Edxecel 360 science
What E is a gradual change in characteristics in organisms over many generations?. What N best describes a theory of evolution?. What F are the remains of ancient plants and animals?. which D suggested the theory of natural selection?. Which french scientist beginning with L suggested another theory of evolution?. What E means for a specie to die out completely as they cannot adapt to their surroundings?. In which S layer of rock are fossils found in?. What s is a population of organisms which breed together and produce fertile offspring?. What A is how organisms change in order to be more suited to their environment?. What G is an example of animal that Lamarck talked about in his theory?. What G contain information passed on to the next generation?. What S is another name for evolution by natural selection?. What B is is the name of a famous book that went against the idea of evolution?. What V describes the differences shown in a group of organisms?. What C is a systemic way of grouping things?. What G is is the name of the islands that Charles Darwin visited and made most of his observations?. What F is is a type of bird that Darwin observed in large numbers on the Galapagos Islands?. What M is a change to the DNA that makes up a gene that can give rise to new characteristics?. What I is a term used to describe the passing of genes from parents to offspring?. What T is an explanation that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning?.
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