Early Man revision

Topics covered in a first year unit for 'Early Man'.
What B is an animal that roamed Scotland 10,000 years ago?. What H is a way to catch animals?. What M is a shellfish that early man caught in rock pools?. What W was important for early man's survival?. What F was a type of stone important to early man?. What N is a travelling person?. What S were used as covering for boats?. What F was an important discovery that provided heat and light?. What W was used to build a shelters?. What P is part of a family group?. What N is a type of jewellery?. What T was part of a mammoth?. What S was a stone age weapon?. What F was used as part of stone age jewellery?. What T was the approximate number of people in a family group?. What R is how early man travelled around Scotland?. What C is a good place to have a campsite?. What M is a type of food that early man ate as a source of protein?. What H was a type of material used to make weapons?. What G is a type of string made from an animal carcass?.
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