Rhetorical devices

Edexcel AS Literature and Language Glossary quiz
What P uses similar sentence structures and repetition?. What T is a list of three ?. What E is language is used to provoke an emotional response?. What CP is this.. 'hot and cold'?. What C is this.. 'wet and windy'?. What H is the literary term for exaggeration?. What H is used to try to make your reader smile?. What A is this an example of.. 'melanie melville'?. What V are these.. run, walk, climb?. What P are these.. we, you, I etc? . What C is a technique used to link a text together?. What D means words that point or direct?. What B is iambic pentameter?. What C is a shortened less formal word?. What N is a naming word?. What S are words that share a common associations?. What C are words that join together parts of a sentence?. What T can't you use in polite conversation?. What S is the repetition of s and z sounds?. What F is a group of words associated with a particular topic?.
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