Smoking Awareness

This quiz is increase awareness of the risks of smoking and encourage people to quit.
What N is the addictive drug in tobacco?. What C is a poisonous gas? (2words). What T in cigarette smoke damages your lungs?. What I is an effect of smoking that happens to males?. What P describes the effect of cigarette smoke on non-smokers? (2words). What C are abnormal growths often found in the lungs, heart, stomach and bladders of smokers?. What E is marked by decreased respiratory function, usually associated with smoking?. What F can be damaged in both Males and Females by smoking?. What S is affected by smoking, making you age prematurely?. What H can end up having poor circulation in your body?. What I happens if you are no longer able to pass on your genes?. What B's are the people most at risk from passive smoking?. What A is the group that has the highest smoking rate?. What G can offer advice and treatments to help you quit smoking? (2words). What M is more likely in pregnant women that smoke?. What G can be stunted by smoking as your body stops getting all the oxygen it needs?. What P is a common reason people begin smoking? (2 Words). What L is being shortened every time you smoke by 14minutes? (2words). What P is used on Tobacco plants to make it grow?. What T is the number of years after giving up before your health is comparable to a non-smoker?.
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