Post-War Britain 1945-1951

The questions are based on Post-war Britain during 1945-1951 and the Labour Government during that time.
What A describes the harsh living conditions people faced after World War 2?. What N describes the term used when the Government takes control of a company e.g coal board?. What L is used to describe Labour's victory in 1945?. What A was the leader of the Labour party 1945-51?. How many 'giants' was the Welfare State supposed to tackle?. What B was the man that gave his name to the Education Act of 1944?. What B was the man who persuaded the doctors to join the NHS?. What S was the name of the giant concerned with adequate housing?. What B was the man who's report helped create the Welfare State?. What M was the name of the loan given to Britain after World War 2?. What P is one of the reasons Bevan quit the Labour Party?. What C is the term used for relations between East and West after 1945?. What E was a resource limited during 1947?. What D is used to describe the winter of 1947?. What C was the leader of the Conservatives 1945-1951?. What T is used to describe Labour ministers in 1951 and a reason why they lost the election?. What I was the country given independence from Britain in 1947?. What S is term used to describe the financial crisis?. What R remained throughout Labour's time in office?. What D was hoped to be cured with access to health care for all?.
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