Stalin's Russia

Stalin's Russia and the Great Purges.
What T was the name of thew Commander of the Red Army?. What F is the name of Stalin's industrial policy?. What C was the agricultural policy that created large, state-run farms?. What K was the name of a collective farm?. What K was the name for the rich peasants?. What K was the man whose assassination in a corridor marked the beginning of the Great Purge?. What P was the method used by Stalin against anyone anti-soviet?. What G is the name of the secret police responsible for the labour camps?. What F was the result of Stalin's agricultural policy?. What G was the State Planning Commission, created in 1921?. What T were levels set by Stalin's industrial policy?. What S is is the name of the coal miner who set production records?. What H was the focus of the first Five Year plan?. What P is the name for the Russians who worked in the country side?. What Z is the name for the prisoners in slave labour camps?. What S is name given to the workers from the Labour camps?. What S was the name for the public trials of people deemed by Stalin as anti-soviet?. What T was the first of the public show trials?. What GT is the name for the period of Russia domestic policy that the purges happened in?. What R was strongly discouraged in Stalin's Russia?.
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