Color in The Color Purple

Colour in the Color Purple by Alice Walker
What P is the colour that Celie feels is a wonder of God?. What Q is a means of socialising and talking between women?. What S is Celie referring to "My basket full of ..."?. What S is the event that symbolises the power women get from productively channelling their energy?. What T is signalled by Sofia when she suggests making a quilt with Celie?. What D is symbolised in the different materials in the patchwork quilt?. What I is discovered by the women by doing sewing?. What W is the colour Mr___ paints his house?. What B is the "new" thing Mr___ is trying to symbolise by painting the interior of his house?. What Y is the colour of material used to make a quilt?. What D is the item where the yellow material comes from?. What S is the name of the person whose dress was used for yellow material?. What K is the name of the person who takes Celie shopping for a new dress?. What D describes the colours of the dresses found by Celie and Kate?. What P describes the quilt, but also says how different people can unite into something spectacular?. What D is one of the key ideas explored in the color purple?. What O is the restraining of women?. What E is evident in Celie as the novel progresses?. What P does Celie make?. What L does Celie learn to do?.
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