Macbeth Revision-Busters

Macbeth SATS Set Scenes 2006 revision quiz
What B is a wood the witches warn Macbeth to beware of?. What Gs do Lady Macbeth drug before the murder?. What C is Macbeth made Thane of early in the play?. What D is the name of Macbeth's castle?. What G does Macbeth see at a feast in his castle?. What Ps do the witches make to Macbeth and Banquo?. What D does Macbeth see a vision of before the murder?. Which M becomes king at the end of the play? . Which F escapes from the men who murder his father? . Which M do the witches tell Macbeth to beware of? . What S is a symptom of Lady Macbeth's mental illness? . Which H does Lady Macbeth keep trying to wash when she goes mad? . What S does Lady Macbeth commit in Act 5?. What A does Macbeth keep calling for in Act 5? . What W does Macduff say he was 'untimely ripped' from? . What O does Lady Macbeth say she hears shrieking at the start of Act 2 Sc 2? . What A does Macbeth find he cannot say when the grooms say 'God bless us'? . What H does Macbeth say he will die with on his back?. What B does Macbeth hear ringing at the end of Act 2 Sc 1? . What E does Macbeth ask not to hear his steps before he goes to kill Duncan?.
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