
8C - Microbes, covers key vocabulary in topic
What M is used to show the 7 life processes?. What B is one of the 3 types of microbe?. What V is the smallest of the 3 types of microbe?. What F is one of the 3 types of microbe?. What Y is a useful microbe, used in baking and brewing?. What F is another word for the process by which yeast makes alcohol?. What P is the name for a number of organisms?. What M is a natural but slimy barrier to microbes invading the human body?. What C E is a cell found in the windpipe with hairs to push invading microbes back out of the mouth?. What A is found in the stomach, which can kill invading microorganisms?. What I is used to prevent disease by injecting dead or inaffective microbes in to the body?. What A is a medicine that is used to harm bacteria e.g. penicillin?. What WBC is a cell used by the body to kill invading microorganisms?. What A is produced by white blood cells to stick to microorganisms making them easier to kill?. What P is used to kill any harmful bacteria found in milk?. Which L discovered antiseptic?. Which J created the first vaccine by giving people mild cowpox to protect people from smallpox?. What I is when harmful microbes have got into your body?. What S is a dry blood clot on the surface of the skin?. What R is when bacteria are no longer affected by an antibiotic? .
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