thermal energy transfer

Uses the ideas met when looking at conduction, convection and radiation. Very easy!
What A is a good insulator, so long as you don't let it move round?. What B is useful to heat things with?. What C is the way heat travels through solids?. What C is the way heat travels through liquids and gases?. What D is the direction that cold fluid moves?. What E are the particles in metals that carry heat quickly?. What F is the word for something that can flow - like gas or liquid?. What G rises when it is hot?. What H is the other name for thermal energy?. What I is the correct name for heat radiation?. What T is a temperature measurer?. What I is a very cold form of water?. What R is the only way heat can travel through a vacuum?. What D is measures how heavy something is for its size?. What S describes things that are good reflectors and bad emitters of radiation?. What R describes what hot air does?. What P describes something that you can do with fluids, but not solids?. What I is bad at conducting heat?. What V is the best insulator?. What E is what something does when its particles move further apart?.
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