Merchant of Venice 1

Questions on The Merchant of Venice
What B is the town where Portia lives?. What L is the name of Shylock's wife?. What H is the possible relationship between Antonio and Bassanio?. What J is one of the objects found in the caskets?. What D does Portia refer to herself as in Act 4, Scene 1?. What U does Shylock practice?. What D does Portia use to describe her German suitor?. What L is the correct choice to gain Portia's hand in marriage?. What G is Launcelot's surname?. What D does Gobbo offer Bassanio for his service?. What F is Antonio's reply when Salario enquires if he is in love?. What M is the title of Salerio and Gratiano?. What R is the last word of the play?. What P is the suitor that opened the gold casket?. What T is the name of Shylock's Jewish friend?. What D is one of the things Shylock lost when Jessica left him?. What E is the first body part Shylock talks of in his second speech in Act 3, Scene 1. What P is the suitor that found a jester in the casket?. What S is the dramatic effect when a character is speaking alone on stage?. What S is the tool Shylock uses to sharpen his knife in Act 4, Scene 1?.
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