True Love or Not?

Love Quiz - For use on Valentine's Day.
What P is a strong feeling of emotion?. What L is a strong sexual desire?. What E describes any strong feeling?. What T is consistent with fact or reality - not false?. What L is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection?. What S is activities associated with intercourse?. What O is a climax during sexual intercourse?. What R is to talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions?. What R is an emotional connection?. What R is the symbol of passion often sent on Valentine's Day?. What C is a common gift for valentines day?. What M is a close and intimate union?. What D is to want something very strongly?. What A is a special date for a couple?. What F is the month of valentines day?. What R is given when exchanging marriage vows?. What M is being faithful to one partner?. What C is to be in each others arms?. What S is celebrated after 25 years of marriage?. What G is celebrated after 50 years of marriage?.
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