5B Life Cycles

Life Cycles keywords for use with KS2 QCA unit - 5B
What A is the part of the stamen that produces the pollen?. What C is the female reproductive organ of a plant, made of the stigma, style and ovary?. What D is the method of moving seeds away from the mature plant?. What F is the joining of a male and female sex cell (e.g. pollen and ova)? . What F is the fleshy part of the plant containing the seeds?. What G is the process of beginning growth for a seed?. What N are minerals from the soil that are needed for plant growth?. What O is the part of the plant that produces the female sex cells – ova (eggs)?. What P is the process by which a plant makes its own food using sunlight?. What P is the transfer of pollen from the stamen of one flower to the stigma of another?. What S are the fertilised ova of the plant?. What S is the part of the flower that protects it as a bud?. What S is the male part of the flower, made of the anther and filament?. What S is the part of the plant that pollen sticks to and leads to the ovules?. What S is the part of the carpel joining the stigma to the ovary?. What F are plants that have flowers in order to reproduce?. What R is the process of making new, young organisms?. What P is the part of the flower which is often brightly coloured to attract insects?. What O are the female sex cells of the plant?. What I are important in pollinating flowering plants?.
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