Nucleic Acids

DNA and Genetics Terminology.
What A describes the alternative forms of a gene?. What C is an individual who possesses one recessive allele for a trait but does not express it?. What D is an allele that always expresses itself whether homozygous or heterozygous?. What E is also known as the metaphase plate on which chromosomes line up during metaphase?. What F describes the union of a male and female gamete?. What G is the combination of genes that determines a specific characteristic?. What H describes a cell containing a single set of chromosomes?. What I describes alleles on a pair of chromosomes in the homozygous state?. What K is the arrangement of chromosomes according to number, size, shape etc?. What L is the position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome?. What M is the type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes from diploid to haploid?. What N is the organelle that contains the cell's genetic material?. What O is the number of copies of a gene to be found in a gamete?. What P describes the observable or detectable features of an organism determined by its genes?. What R is an allele that is expressed only when present in the homozygous state?. What S is a gene located on the X or Y chromosome?. What T is a sequence of nucleotides that constitutes the genetic code?. What U is the pyrimidine base found only in RNA?. What V describes the divergence among individuals of a species arising from sexual reproduction?. What Z describes the diploid cell resulting from the union of a male and a female gamete?.
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