Energy Systems

A2 PE Energy Systems
What A, when broken down, releases energy?. What A is producing energy without oxygen?. What G are carbohydrates broken down to in order to be used as an energy source?. What F is fat broken down into in order to be used as an energy source?. What T are fatty acids stored as in the adipose tissue?. What G is a form of stored carbohydrate found in the muscle and liver?. In which M does the Kreb's cycle and electron transport chain occur?. What G is involved in both the aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose?. What P is does excess hydrogen join with to create lactic acid?. What S is the place where glycolysis occurs?. What B is the breakdown of fats into acetyl co-enzyme A?. What E is a series of chemical reactions where hydrogen is oxidised and 34 ATP are produced?. What does the C in EPOC stand for?. What V is the maximum amount of oxygen which can be taken in and used by the body per minute?. What O occurs when the oxygen consumed is lower than the amount required?. What S occurs when oxygen consumed matches oxygen required?. What E has a fast (alactacid) component and a slow (lactacid) component?. What O occurs when blood lactate levels rise to over 4mmol/litre?. What M is resaturated with oxygen during the fast (alactacid) component of recovery?. What P is the full name of PC?.
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