Evolution and Environment

AQA B1b Evolution and Environment - Adaptation and characteristics, suitable for use with foundation groups.
What A are the things an animal or plant has that allow it to survive?. What C is a plant adapted to live in the desert with spines instead of leaves?. What S is a plant that is adapted to live in the sea?. What D is the person that first suggested evolution happened?. What E is the way plants and animals have changed over millions of years?. What C describes what happens when two or more animals or plants need the same resources?. What P is an animal adapted to live in the arctic and has a thick coat, small ears and white fur?. What P is a bird with a large bright tail, which it uses to attract a mate?. What T is the way plants lose water?. What S are the small holes found underneath the leaves of plants?. What C is an animal adapted to live in the desert which can store water within it's body?. What H is place animals and plants are adapted to live in?. What K is an animal with the adaptation of a pouch to protect it's young?. What R is animal which eats grass and has long ears to hear predators approaching?. What T is animals with stripes that give it good camouflage?. What L is site on a plant where most transpiration happens?. What W is liquid that all animals and plants need to drink?. What P is an animal that eats other animals?. What P is animal that gets eaten by other animals?. What T is the largest plant type which often blocks out the light for smaller plants in woodlands?.
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