
Famous Explorers - Year 8
What F is Magellan's first name?. What P is Magellan's nationality? . What P is the country where Magellan was killed - where the Battle of Mactan took place?. What P is the denomination of Christianity that was Sir Walter Raleigh's?. What E is the queen who favoured Sir Walter Raleigh and knighted him in 1585?. What C is where Batholomew Diaz sailed?. What D is the name of the famous sailor born in Tavistock?. What N is a river which was a trading expedition of Sir Francis Drake's? . What V is the explorer who was the first European to open a trade route from India?. What G is the place in Italy where Christopher Columbus was born?. What S is one of Christopher Columbus' ships?. What S is the country whose King and Queen gave Columbus money for exploring?. What P is Columbus' ship that spotted San Salvador?. What C is the religion that explorers wanted people in foreign lands to convert to?. What P is the surname of the explorer who founded Lima, in Peru?. What J is the half brother of Sir Walter Raleigh?. What J was a French explorer, born in St Malo, who explored Newfoundland in Canada?. What V is the group of Nordic people who explored the Americas before Columbus?. What P is a port in the Caribbean where Sir Francis Drake died in 1596? . What H is Cortez's first name?.
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