Animal Farm Characters and Plot

This is a pretty basic quiz covering the characters and some of the symbols in Animal Farm.
What N is the pig who emerges as the leader of Animal Farm after the Rebellion?. What S is the pig who challenges Napoleon for control of Animal Farm after the Rebellion?. What B is The cart-horse whose incredible strength, dedication, and loyalty play a key role?. What S is the pig who spreads Napoleon’s propaganda among the other animals?. What O is The prize-winning boar whose vision serves as the inspiration for the rebellion?. What C is a good-hearted female cart-horse and Boxer’s close friend?. What M is the tame raven who spreads stories of Sugarcandy Mountain?. What M is the vain, flighty mare who pulls Mr. Jones’s carriage?. What B is the long-lived donkey who refuses to feel inspired by the Rebellion?. What M is the white goat who reads the Seven Commandments to Clover?. What J is the often drunk farmer who runs the Manor Farm before the animals?. What F is the tough, shrewd operator of Pinchfield, a neighboring farm?. What P is the easygoing gentleman farmer who runs Foxwood, a neighboring farm?. What W is the human solicitor whom Napoleon hires to represent Animal Farm in human society?. What J & B are two dogs, each of whom gives birth early in the novel?. What M is the poet pig who writes verse about Napoleon?. What M is the original name of Animal Farm?. What A is the term used on the farm to represent Communism?. What B is the place where the animals held meetings?. What W is the thing the farm animals worked so hard to construct?.
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