respiratory system

AS respiratory system
What I is the act of breathing in?. What A are tiny thin-walled sacs where gaseous exchange takes place?. What T is also known as the 'windpipe'?. What B branches off from the trachea?. What D is a muscle which flattens to increase the volume inside the chest cavity during inspiration?. What I are muscles which lift the ribcage up and outwards during inspiration?. What P explains that the process of expiration is caused by muscles relaxing?. What T is the amount of air breathed in or out in one breath?. What I is the maximal amount of air forcibly inspired in addition to tidal volume?. What E is the maximal amount of air forcibly expired in addition to tidal volume?. What V is the maximal amount of air exhaled after a maximal inspiration?. What R is the amount of air left in the lungs after a maximal expiration?. What T is TV + IRV + ERV + RV?. What M is the amount of air moved in and out of the lungs in one minute?. minute ventilation = frequency of breathing x ???. What P is the pressure a gas exerts in a mixture of gases?. What D is the movement of a gas from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration?. What S describes the how thin the alveoli walls are (as to allow diffusion to occur)?. What P does PCO2 mean?. What O decribes blood as it goes away from the lungs?.
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