Ji Hak Sa G1 Do You Like Music?

A quick quiz reviewing vocabulary and expressions for Ji Hak Sa Grade one chapter 10.
What H is a kind of music?. What R is a kind of music by Eminem and Kanye West?. What C is a kind of music by Beethoven or Mozart?. Fill the blank - Pansori is a kind of T____ Korean music.. What G means a group of people coming together?. What O is another way of saying 'no problem'?. What P is a kind of music by Beyonce and Justin Bieber?. What does a singer sing? a S____.. Fill the blank. The T___ of Secret's new song is 'Talk That'. What O is what you think of something?. What D describes Korean food?. What M is art which has been made recently?. What S is something we play to keep fit?. What F is an opinion meaning that you are enjoying yourself?. What H means spicy?. What D means hard.. What B is another way of saying 'pretty' or 'nice to look at?'. What U is the opposite of 'beautiful?'. What M means seeing someone at a certain time?. What S are you making when you say 'shall we_' or 'let's-'?.
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