Ji Hak Sa G1 Star Stories

A quick quiz reviewing vocabulary and expressions for Ji Hak Sa Grade one chapter 11.
Fill the blank: Can I b_____ a pen?. What B is a male cow?. What C is something you do on a mountain?. Fill the blank: Please fill out this F____.. What G is Zeus?. What G is a sport played with a small white ball and a club?. Fill the blank: Will you L____ me a pen? . What M does Harry Potter use at Hogwarts?. What F is when you ask someone to do something for you?. What M is a horses owner?. What H is something you enjoy or like?. Fill the blank: The girl climbed o____ the bull.. What S is a square, a rectangle and a triangle?. What S is the opposite of moving?. What W is a constellation in the sky?. What W is the thing that helps a bird fly?. What T means doing something with someone?. Fill the blank: Can you o____ the window please?. Fill the blank: Would you t____ on the light please?. What S is our sun?.
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