changes in pregnancy

A brief overview of some of the changes that occur during pregnancy.
What U may result from ureteric compression?. What C is the output that may increase by 10-20% immediately following birth?. What H may result from dilated renal pelvises and ureters? . What D is elevated in pregnancy reducing the capacity of the lungs? . What P is increased due to hyperventilation in pregnancy? . What H is linked with nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy?. What H is caused by relaxation of the stomach's cardiac sphincter?. What C is caused by slower gastrointestinal motility in pregnancy?. What L is the line of dark pigmentation from the umbilicus to the symphysis?. What S is the correct name for stretch marks?. What L is usually responsible for backache in pregnancy? . What I is the change that occurs to breasts during pregnancy?. What F is likely to account for the biggest proportion of a woman's weight gain?. What G is the type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy?. What O is the name of a hormone associated with lactation?. What C is the early fluid produced by the breasts, prior to mature breast milk?. What T is the problem that may result from the altered coagulation pattern?. What A may be misdiagnosed if you are unaware of the physiological haemodilution of pregnancy?. What P is the temporary structure that is essential to the developing fetus?. What F is the amount of blood flowing through the placental site per minute at term?.
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