AS PE Nutrition

Nutrition AS PE
What B is the rate at which a person uses energy?. What B is can be obtained using skinfold measures, bioelectrical impedance or water submersion?. What O is a condition where a person’s percentage body fat is over 40% or when the BMI is above 30?. What B is your height to weight ratio?. What C provides the body with energy?. What F is used as an energy source during rest and low intensity exercise?. What P is used for growth and repair?. What F helps the digestive system?. What M is required for functions such as bone growth, energy metabolism and nerve function?. What V are complex substances with functions including energy metabolism and tissue formation?. What W is essential for functioning of nearly all cells?. What B is a diet which contains sufficient amounts of the nutrients required by the individual?. What P is particularly important in the diet of a weightlifter?. What C is would need to be increased in the diet of an individual training for a marathon?. What F is a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins?. What C is needed for the formation of bones and teeth, and found in milk and cheese?. What S helps regulate water content, electrolyte balance and nerve function?. What I is required for haemoglobin in red blood cells and to aid the immune system?. What V controls the amount of calcium absorbed by intestine and is obtained from sunshine?. What V is essential for clotting blood and is found in meat and veg but also made in the gut?.
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