Plants Plants Plants!

Plants and photosynthesis, including adaptation of leaf, mineral nutrients and pesticides. Ideal for SATs Revision.
What P is making food from light energy?. What O is a waste product in photosynthesis?. What M is needed to make chlorophyll? . What P are eaten by a herbivore?. What S is the source of all energy in a food chain?. What PC describes tightly packed cells at the top of a leaf?. What S is the name of the air holes on the bottom surface of a leaf?. What F are added to crops to help plants grow?. What "K" is a nutrient that causes a blue-green colour in plants if it is lacking?. What "P" is a nutrient needed for all plant growth?. What N, if missing, causes stunted growth in plants?. What SC have lots of air spaces between?. What C absorbs sunlight and makes plants green?. What GC surround the air holes on a leaf and control their size?. What R is a process that releases energy in all cells?. What CD is a gas reactant of photosynthesis? . What RH are found on roots to increase their surface area?. What W helps to prevent water loss from leaf surfaces?. What P are used to kill organisms that compete with us for food?. What O describes "free from the use of chemicals like pesticides and herbicides"?.
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