Population Change

These questions are designed for GCSE Geography revision on the providing for population change unit.
What M is a mathematician who emphasised the potential for populations to rise steeply?. What B is is a renewable energy resource produced in India?. What A describes the type of population structure seen in Germany?. What Y describes the most common age group seen in an LEDC population structure?. What F is used to encourage people to have fewer children? . What D can be a reason for a high Infant Mortality Rate?. What R is a energy source that will not run out?. What D is a model that shows changes in death rate, birth rate and population size over time?. Which M is a country in southern central Africa with a growing number of young people?. What S is a way of using resources to ensure there is sufficient to be used in the future?. What S means to look after the environment?. What E is a mathematical word meaning something that increases by doubling (i.e 2,4,8,16)?. What H is the prevention, treatment and management of illness?. What I is the manufacturing of a service or goods?. What W provides loans to LEDCs with the aim of reducing poverty?. What L is the average age a population will live to?. What N is the difference between the Birth and Death rate of a population?. What O is a way of ensuring a decrease in China's population?. What T is energy generated through the heating of water?. What P is the amount of people living in an area?.
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