Fractions and more

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Decimal Lengths
What H is the same as 0.5?. What P is out of a 100?. What Q is the same as 25%?. What T is the same as a fifth?. What T is the same as 0.75?. What R is the highest value - the lowest value?. What H is the number of cm in a metre?. What T is the number of mm in a metre?. What T is the number of mm in a cm?. What S is the number of cm in 0.6m?. What T is the number of mm in 2m?. What F is the pay rise you'd get on a 5% increase on £9 per hour?. What F is what you get if you reduce £50 by 20%?. What E is 10% of £8?. What K is the same as 1000 metres?. What S is the number of mm in 0.7cm?. What K is the same as 1000g?. What E is the range in the following temperatures: -2, -4, 0, 2, 5, -1, 7. What T is 2.82m to the nearest whole metre?. What T is 124mm to the nearest whole centimetre?.
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