Causes and Practices of WWI

What D were Germany and Austria after 1879?. What G was Austria's ally?. What S was Germany's war plan?. What A was where the Kaiser sent a gunboat to warn off further French takeover of Morocco in 1911?. What U did Austria give Serbia after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, with a threat of war?. What Z were airships used as bombers by Germany in WWI?. What W is a prolonged period of conflict. Each side seeks to gradually wear down the other.. What M was the name by which women who worked in GB munitions factories were known?. What D was British Prime Minister 1916-1922?. What T was Germany, Italy and Austria?. What T was also known as the "scrap of paper"?. What A seized control of Bosnia in 1908, claiming it was a weak country needing their protection?. What T was known as the "Sick Man of Europe"?. What B was the promise of support for Austria from Germany?. What D was legislation in Britain that extended government powers during wartime.. What A was called on 11th November 1918?. What C was introduced in GB in Jan 1916?. What R was necessary due to naval blockades?. What U did the German gov argue was implemented only as an aggressive form of defence. What E was the "friendly understanding" between Britain & France (1904).
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