GCSE PE - Health, Fitness and Lifestyle

A quiz of Health, fitness and lifestyle for GCSE PE (AQA)
What H is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing?. What S can cause health problems including lung cancer and heart disease?. What E would help to improve health?. What B is a function of the skeletal system?. What H is the bone of the upper arm?. What U is the bone of the forearm that runs down towards the little finger?. What I is a type of bone?. What J is a point at which two or more bones meet?. What S is another name for a freely moveable joint?. What V is an example in the body of a slightly moveable joint?. What H is the type of joint occuring at the knee and elbow?. What B is the type of joint occuring at the hip and shoulder?. What C is the type of joint occuring at the bones of the wrist?. What S is the type of joint occuring at the thumb?. What G is the type of joint occuring in the hand?. What T connects muscle to bone?. What L connects bone to bone?. What C acts as a buffer to stop bones rubbing against each other?. What T is also known as the shin bone?. What P is also known as the kneecap?.
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