
This covers the main changes that occur during adolescence and has been designed with GCSE Health and Social Care students in mind.
What A is the life stage between childhood and adulthood?. What H does the brain release at the onset of puberty?. What O is a hormone dominant in females?. What P is a hormone associated with females?. What T is a hormone dominant in males?. What B describes the early changes in female breast development?. What M describes the monthly shedding of the lining of the womb?. What V deepens in boys as a result of puberty? . What E can happen in boys spontaneously and can sometimes be embarrassing?. What G is activated as the result of hormones at puberty that can lead to body odour?. What C can happen in the relationship between parents and children during adolescence?. What A describes an emotional outburst experienced by many individuals during adolescence?. What G become enlarged in males at puberty?. What P do girls experience first around two years after their breasts first start to develop?. What C describes an area of change that individuals go through during adolescence?. What E describes the area of change that individuals go through during adolescence?. What S describes an area of change that individuals go through during adolescence?. What P describes an area of change that individuals go through during adolescence?. What R with other people tends to become more intense during adolescence?. What A can affect the skin as a results of hormonal changes? .
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