Quiz-Busters Games Directory

Found 12 results for Citizenship
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Government spending (Key Stage 3 - Citizenship)
Spend spend spend - how the government spends our money.
Moral Issues (Key Stage 4 - Citizenship)
A general quiz that can be used to introduce a range of moral issues.
Law and Order (Key Stage 5+ - Citizenship)
Law and order - for Citizenship and Government and Politics classes at post-16 level
Review of the Year 2007 (Key Stage 5+ - Citizenship)
Current affairs quiz based on the world's main events which took place in 2007.
Democracy and Voting (Key Stage 4 - Citizenship)
Democracy, Voting and the House of Commons in the UK
Citizenship Key Stage 4 (Key Stage 4 - Citizenship)
Citizenship - Key Stage 4 'Who Produces the News?'
Jobs (Key Stage 3 - Citizenship)
Simple jobs quiz, which could be a starter or plenary in a careers/citizenship lesson.
General Studies and Key Skills revision (Key Stage 5+ - Citizenship)
This quiz has been designed to enhance learning for AS level students in a sixth form in General Studies.
Democracy (Key Stage 3 - Citizenship)
This quizbuster highlights many keywords for the KS3 theme Democracy. It could be used as a starter or plenary activity, or simply just to re-enforce prior learning.
An Introduction to General Studies (Key Stage 5+ - Citizenship)
This quiz is intended to be an introduction to A/S General Studies. There are questions relating to Science, Culture and Society.
Food Miles (Key Stage 3 - Citizenship)
Food Miles - a quiz related to how far food travels from where it is produced to where it is sold.
Showing results 1 to 12
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