Quiz-Busters Games Directory

Found 42 results for ICT and Computing
Unit 21 Web Graphics (Key Stage 4 - ICT and Computing)
Simple quiz to review content of a webpage and also the programs used to create web pages and graphics.
Word Processing Terms - for Word 2007 (Key Stage 4 - ICT and Computing)
Revision suitable for either Level 1 ICT Key Skills or Unit 1 CLAIT. Adapted for Office 2007
Adobe Flash Basics (Key Stage 4 - ICT and Computing)
Keywords on Flash basic skills. Eg. timeline and symbols.
Software Evaluation A2 AQA revision (Key Stage 5+ - ICT and Computing)
A2 quiz about software evaluation, development and testing based on AQA syllabus.
ICT in crime (Key Stage 5+ - ICT and Computing)
ICT, computer and Internet related crime terminology.
More Applied ICT GCSE Revision (Key Stage 4 - ICT and Computing)
More terms and definitions for revision for Applied ICT GCSE.
GCSE BACS General Theory (Key Stage 5+ - ICT and Computing)
This quiz is designed for students studying GCSE Business and Communication Systems. It covers general terms from the syllabus.
Presenting with PowerPoint (Key Stage 3 - ICT and Computing)
Year 7 plenary quiz on PowerPoint terms (ICT Unit 7.1)
ICT Unit 7.1 Lesson 1 (Key Stage 3 - ICT and Computing)
Introduction to new year 7's and first part of ICT Unit 7.1 Lesson 1
Year 7 - Business Documents Keyword Quiz (Key Stage 3 - ICT and Computing)
This quiz is designed for year 7's who have been creating business documents. It could also be used with year 8's and low set year 9's as well.
C & G Excel Level 3 (Key Stage 5+ - ICT and Computing)
This quiz is designed for students studying spreadsheets at Level 3. It was originally created for further education students studying City & Guilds to reinforce and consolidate their learning.
Comuputer Acronyms (Key Stage 5+ - ICT and Computing)
This quiz is used to help beginners get used to the the technical terms used with basic computer components.
Databases (Key Stage 3 - ICT and Computing)
Database key words quiz, designed for use with Key Stage 3 students.
KS3 spreadsheets (Key Stage 3 - ICT and Computing)
Spreadsheets quiz suitable for years 9 10 and 11.
Keywords and terminology for Flash (Key Stage 4 - ICT and Computing)
KS4 ICT Making a Flash movie, keywords and terminology, used for revision and plenary activities.
Unit 9.1 - Control and Monitoring (Key Stage 3 - ICT and Computing)
Quizbusters quiz for unit 9.1 Control and Monitoring. The quiz covers flow charts, processes and sensors.
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Art and Design
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ICT and Computing
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