Quiz-Busters Games Directory
Found 136 results for English
Poetry : Character and Voice (Key Stage 4 - English)
Questions on AQA Poetry Anthology 'Character and Voice' particularly focusing on River God, My Last Duchess, Ruined maid and Ozymandius.
Child Language Acquisition RHA (Key Stage 5+ - English)
Child Language Acquisition questions for A2 Level English langauage
Ballads- Revision. (Key Stage 3 - English)
A series of comprehension questions based on three ballads, 'The Highwayman,' 'The Lady of Shalott' and 'Frankie and Johnny.'
The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond. (Key Stage 3 - English)
Quick fire comprehension questions of 'The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond' by Charles Causley.
Danny the Champion of the World (Key Stage 3 - English)
A straight forward quiz on Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.
Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah (Key Stage 3 - English)
General knowledge quiz on the novel 'Chinese Cinderella' by Adeline Yen Mah. Pupils need to have read to Chapter 20 to be able to answer the questions.
Inspector Calls: Acts 1 - 2 (Key Stage 4 - English)
Quiz on An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley - Questions based on the first two acts.
Greek Gods, Myths & Keywords (Key Stage 3 - English)
Greek gods, myths and keywords suitable for Key Stage 3 students.
Spring festivals (Key Stage 2 - English)
A Spring festivals quiz with questions on the major religious festivals and pagan customs designed for a group aof adult literacy learners and supported by an infornation sheet from skillsworkshop.org
War poetry and poety techniques (Key Stage 3 - English)
Key poetic terms and references to the poem "War Music"
Writing to Argue - Common Features (Key Stage 4 - English)
Common features and techniques of Writing to Argue.
Shadow of the Minotaur 1 (Key Stage 3 - English)
Shadow of the Minotaur by Alan Gibbons. A fairly easy Year 8 quiz that tests knowledge of Greek Mythology and details from Book One.
War Poetry - Suicide in the Trenches (Key Stage 3 - English)
Suicide in the Trenches by By Siegfried Sassoon.
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